The Yackandandah Museum has an extensive collection of historical material relating to Yackandandah and the surrounding districts from photos, letters and other documents to musical instruments, wedding dresses and musket balls!

While there is no facility for public access to our collection items, you can search our collection database for items of interest. If you find something of interest, research can be conducted (fees apply) on your behalf by the Museum’s experienced researchers.

You may also be interested in the index for A Nineteenth Century Village Yackandandah by Colin Barnard. This is a multi volume history of Yackandandah. Search the master index here. If you find an entry that interests you, you may wish to lodge a research request or consider purchasing a copy of the relevant volume.

Research Requests

Requests can be made completing the Research request form and sending it by post or email.

Any request should include as much detail as possible concerning what is already known regarding full name [including maiden name], dates of birth or death, place of residence, occupation etc.